Raised with CHRIST, to LIFE, for LIFE

Featured Products

Rise Up-Pullover

Not of this World-Unisex T-Shirt

Helium Sleeve print hoodie


Women’s Crop Sweatshirt

Hats & Beanies

The periodic identification for HELIUM

A gas that raises a balloon above the earth to new heights and new perspective. A balloon is not raised by its own nature, but by the nature of the Helium within it.

In Romans 8 we have an invitation to a life raised with the Spirit, separated from the world, and freed from the power of our sinful nature by the Spirit within us. 

Raised with Christ, to Life.

Colossians 3:2-3 then puts out the challenge.  If you are RAISED with Christ then join your heart and your mind to His life, His location, and His perspective. We won’t see the hurting world around us as God sees them from an earth-grounded viewpoint. We are called to a raised perspective.  Families are strengthened when they are raised with the Spirit.  Marriages are restored, Friendships are mended, fears are silenced, and the broken find healing when they are raised with the Spirit.

Not by our nature, but by the Nature that HE has given us.

About Helium

Helium Creations is a line of original design apparel that carries intentionality and purpose.

The PURPOSE: To challenge each other to Rise up with Christ to Life and to open up conversations about the HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE that can come from a life raised with Christ, to Christ’s perspective.

What is Helium?

Our Mission

  Helium Creations was born in our hearts and minds in 2024 out of a time of much grappling with fear and anxiety over a health crisis we were walking though with our two boys. Often a crisis can bring you to an understanding of your need. We find Peace and perspective by the Spirit of Christ within us, not by our circumstances, by our willpower or by any mental fortitude that we can muster up on our own. “The mind fixed on the SPIRIT is life and peace.” [Romans 8:6]. It was through a conversation during a long car ride in the middle of that turbulence that the Spirit of God opened up our hearts to the vision of Helium Creations. By the nature of Helium an object destined by law to fall can be raised up.

The Thought:

Can we start something that would challenge each other to “rise up with Christ?”

Could we start something that would open up conversations about the hope, peace, joy and love that can come from a life raised with Christ, to Christ’s perspective?

Lastly, Could God use this as an avenue to allow blessings to flow to families in the middle of health crisis with their kids?

So here you are…you found HElium.

  • May it be a reminder to live as Raised with Christ, to Life for Life

  • May it be a tool to start conversations leading to the Gospel

  • May it be an avenue to allow blessings to flow to others…

That being said, twenty-five percent of all sales made through Helium Creations will go to supporting families who have children going through difficult medical conditions or sicknesses. Having experienced serious health complications with each of our children, this is an area that we are very personally passionate about. We have experienced the difficulty, paired with the blessings through others in our community. So, our heart is that Helium Creations would be a source to bless those in need. Whenever a purchase is made through Helium Creations, a quarter of the funds will be reserved to support a family.

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